Jim’s Happy Hour Memorial

Date: Thursday, November 9th

Time: 4:00PM until 6:00PM

Place: Casa Asbell at 521 N. Easter Lily Lane, Green Valley, AZ 85614

For those who are unable to attend, please just toast Jim with something delicious wherever you may be.

Please also consider a donation in Jim’s honor to the American Cancer Society Relay for Life. Below is a link to Jim’s fundraising page. Online donations can be made via credit card. If you would like to make a donation via check, please make your check out to “American Cancer Society” and mail it to me at the address above. I will make sure Jim’s page gets credit for the donation.

Jim’s Fundraising Page 


In this morning’s Green Valley News, editor Dan Shearer wrote this piece honoring Jim and the gifts he shared with his community. Thank you, Dan for the privilege of allowing Jim to tell his story, his way.

editorial for jim 11-1-17


18 thoughts on “Jim’s Happy Hour Memorial

  1. This sounds so nice, Lee. I wish we could attend but we don’t arrive down there until a couple days later. In the meantime, our hats are off to you for the wonderful support you were to Jim through all his trials, and our deepest sympathy for his loss.

    Dorothy – and Bruce

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  2. I will certainly raise a glass in Jim’s memory and always remember what a great person he was and how he handled this final phase of his journey through life. Cancer has claimed Jim, Stephen Dee and Jamie Smith…three very wonderful personalities I met during my wonderful time at Mitsubishi. I pray that this disease is finally conquered as it steals some of the nicest folks away from us.


  3. Love it that you included the GV News piece about Jim. Just love the picture of him in Monument Valley – a very special place and a very special man.

    I will certainly mark my calendar to join you all long distance in a toast to Jim on the 9th.

    Love and blessings to you Lee,


  4. We will certainly raise a glass of something excellent to remember Jim. For me (John) personally, Jim was the perfect, ideal friend — as if I had ordered one to my specifications. Always upbeat, witty and entertaining. He enjoyed three of my great passions: good food, good wine and good sporting endeavors (go Ducks and Seahawks!). Best of all, we both were blessed to love and be loved by our incomparable, beautiful spouses. He will be greatly missed.

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  5. Hi Lee,

    I will be there. Would you like me to bring a nibble? I will also make a donation to the Cancer Society.




    1. Thanks, Kathy. I’m glad you can come. You might want to touch base with Pat Newport on the food. She is coordinating things for me.


  6. Lee, We are leaving tomorrow for Oregon. We will toast Jim with a nice Pinot on the 9th.

    Hope you are finding some peace for yourself. You are in our thoughts. Sorry we are leaving, but we will see you when we return.

    Roxanne >


    1. No worries! Jim would approve of an OR Pinot toast, for sure. Your pot pies were delicious and I will return your dishes when you’re back.


  7. Dear Lee, It has been a joy and an honor to become “virtually” acquainted with you and Jim. You enhanced the lives of John and me. I’ve shared Jim’s story with many friends, always marveling at his perseverance, and fun personality. I’m so sorry he’s left us, but I will always remember him and the amazing journey of his life! And oh that smile beaming through in every photo!!! Here is a quote I like very much. Our depth of sadness is balanced by the magnitude of the privilege. Cheers to you both!


    1. Mindy, I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought about you and John over these last couple years. I even thought about you two when we visited Monument Valley last month on our last major road trip. Both our guys were monumental in their own ways. I’m so glad we met.


  8. And as life goes on, we are all in a better place because Jim was part of it. That is the legacy we all want to leave. Thank you Jim for being here for us. Your memory goes on.


  9. I am sorry to read about Jim. I had been reading him and I felt he had more time. Maybe it was his optimism and his writing about things he did, wines he drank, games he cheered and so many things he did. I also belong to the stage IV club, and reading about Jim makes me think about my own life, how I live it and how long it could be. I have spent two and a half very difficult years until I had surgery in September and they fixed certain spot that made my intestines do a very poor job. Now I wear a bag on my tummy and I’m so happy because I can eat with great freedom. I can now think about staying busy like Jim did. I never met Jim, I did exchange a couple of messages once or twice. I appreciated his writing and his enthusiasm. I have the feeling that he stayed busy to his last days, and when my time comes I hope I can stay comfortable to the very end. I find inspiration in Jim’s posts, I admire how he stayed busy and did a lot of things he liked. His passing saddens me, but I feel he did it in a right way, in a way that I would accept for me. Good bye, Jim, we’ll share a glass one day.


      1. It’s been a little more than a year and I still often remember Jim and the inspiration he provided. It will soon be a year without chemo (since late December 2017) and feeling a lot better after being given my ileostomy bag in September 2017.
        I have found I really like blanc de Zinfandel, it’s sweet like life and I always remember Jim when I have a glass of wine. I always read Jim busy enjoying life: eating, painting, meeting friends, sharing wine, and his writing inspires me to live my life like that, however long or short it may be. Jim’s writing provided very valuable guidance to me about how to live life when dealing with cancer.


      2. Thank you very much for your comments. Jim would be so pleased to know he’d helped you in your cancer journey, but even more pleased that you’re enjoying a bit of vino. Cheers to you!

        Sent from my iPhone


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