For John and Dana

Today Jim and I are toasting my brother John and his bride, Dana. They got married about an hour ago in our old hometown. We wish them a long and happy life together. The champagne flutes we are holding in this photo were presented to Jim and I as we cut the cake at our own wedding. weddingday

My baby brother John and I have always loved old Warner Brothers cartoons. It is hard to see, but the glass Jim holds is the odiferous love-struck skunk, Pepe LePew. In the cartoons, an overly amorous Pepe pursues, bet never wins, the object of his desires. We’re so very happy John has finally wooed and won the love of his life. Welcome to the family, Dana Pritchard.

Toasting each other 5-23-99 with Pepe LePew and a wine bottle shaped cake.
Toasting each other 5-23-99 with Pepe LePew and a wine bottle shaped cake.

It is of course, a bittersweet day for us since we were not able to attend this wonderful family gathering. We are very lucky though, because our good friend Mark Portrait has come to visit for a few days. Mark and Jim go way back. Here’s Mark and his bride, Ellen, on that same magical night in Napa Valley when Jim and I got married.

Mr. and Mrs. Portrait at our wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Portrait at our wedding.

Ah, love.

13 thoughts on “For John and Dana

    1. Thanks, Max. While I was looking for these photos I found one of you and your lovely bride, Anita. That was one heck of a party!

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  1. (I guess Pepe is saying it really stinks that you couldn’t actually go to the wedding… )

    But I’m coming to learn one more time what a class act you two are. If you couldn’t go, you still made lemonade out of a disappointment. We can all take lessons from you. Viva la Asbells!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Cheers to you both! And it is so touching how you also dressed for the occassion in your wedding attire to toast the newlyweds-you two are a thoughtful and class act!

    Liked by 1 person

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